Helping Businesses Keep Both ii's On The BIG Picture For Over 16 Years!
Education Finance & Loan Symposium

The Future of Higher Ed Financial Aid &
How the Trump Administration Will be Reshaping Student Loan Policy.

MAY 15-16, 2025

Hotel AKA
Old Town Alexandria, VA


iiBIG’s 13th Annual Education Finance & Loan Symposium, will take place in Crystal City, VA on May 23-24, 2022.  This event has become known as the only conference of its kind to attract a 360-degree cross-section of all the key players in the education finance/student loan industry. Attendance to our in-person events have averaged between 125-150 and, early indications are that this year’s IN-PERSON conference will continue this trend.


Keyote Presentation


The 13th Annual Education Finance & Loan Symposium will feature 30+ expert speakers and presenters – from both the private and the public sector – along with other key industry participants in the education finance and student loan markets. 


Interactive, roundtable presentations and discussions will focus on timely information on topics including:

  • Opening KEYNOTE Panel: State of the Education Finance and Lending Industry in 2022 and beyond
  • Private Lenders Roundtable: Originating Private Student Loans in a New Era
  • Loan Servicing & Collections Dynamics: Expanding Servicing and collection Options for Private, State & Federal Student Loans?
  • College and University Roundtable: An Update from Financial Aid Leaders from For-profit and Non-profit Schools
  • Valuation and Securitization Trends: Mature versus Emerging Platforms. What is happening in the SLABS market?
  • Higher Education Regulatory Roundtable; The Legal/Regulatory Outlook for Student Loans in 2022 and beyond.
  • Innovations in Student Loan Repayment Plans: Income-based and other repayment plan innovations.

    To indicate which of the above topics are of interest to you – or to suggest topics not on the list – please go to our online JOIN OUR FACULTY page and let us know what’s on your mind.


    Representatives from higher education (including US- and Internationally-based for-profit and non-profit colleges and universities), investors, banks, online marketplace and other alternative lenders, loan servicers, ratings agencies, regulators, attorneys and more will join us again in 2021.  More specifically attendees will include:

    • Student Loan Lenders and Providers
    • For- and Not-for-Profit Institutions of Higher Ed
    • Investment Bankers and Capital Market Specialists
    • Cloud-based Online Marketplace Lending Platforms
    • Institutional Investors
    • Asset Backed Securities Professionals
    • Financial Aid Officers
    • Government Regulators
    • Student Aid Representatives
    • Student Aid Administrators
    • Student Loan Servicers
    • Student Loan Investors
    • Student Loan Guarantors
    • Asset Managers
    • Portfolio Managers
    • Credit Union Officers
    • Credit Managers
    • Rating Agencies
    • Credit Analysts
    • Corporate Finance Professionals
    • Trustees
    • Attorneys
    • Student Loan Consultants
    • Hedge Fund Investors
    • Corporate Issuers

    **Registrations in the Institutional Investor/Government/Academic category are subject to qualification review/approval.


    Applications are now being reviewed from executives who wish to contribute as members of our Executive Speaking Faculty. If you have extensive knowledge of education finance/student loans and would like to apply for a position on our speaking faculty please complete our online JOIN OUR FACULTY APPLICATION. Or contact:

    Don Buford, 
    Founder & CEO, iiBIG 
    Phone: 212-300-2521


    Conference sponsorship provides an opportunity for companies seeking increased brand awareness and a platform to demonstrate expertise, products, or services. If confirmed early, conference sponsorship may include the opportunity to be represented on the executive speaking faculty. For more information, contact:

    Hank Woji,
    SVP, Business Development, 

    Phone: 516-692-9836



    Co-branding/marketing opportunities are available for publications, digital and print newsletters, professional associations, or other organizations that provide news and information to the education finance/student loan industry. For more information on these opportunities, please contact:

    Stacy Lavender, 
    Marketing Consultant, iiBIG


    Continuing Education Credits (e.g. CLE, CPE, CME, etc.) may be available for iiBIG conference attendees. Upon request conference attendees will be provided with a “Certificate of Attendance” and a copy of the conference agenda, showing topics, length of sessions, and name(s) and professional affiliation(s) of presenter(s) for each session. Attendees wishing to apply for continuing education credits for attending this conference may submit this documentation to the relevant organization in his/her state when applying for such credits.

    CE CreditsInternational Institute for Business Information & Growth LLC is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: