September 25, 2024
Chicago, IL
(per person)This rate applies to for-profit & non-profit lenders, investment banks, investment consultants, law firms, private equity, ratings agencies, accounting firms, and other service providers. (Rates shown include early-bird discounts, if any, in effect at the time of registration).
(per person)This rate is for executives from healthcare and life science enterprises that provide healthcare products and/or services (e.g. hospitals, med device firms, pharma/biotech, residential or home healthcare & etc.). NOTE: Investor representatives (e.g. from Private Equity Firms, etc.) who have such firms within their portfolios DO NOT qualify for this rate and must register at the STANDARD RATE (Registrations in this category are subject to verification & approval).
(Groups of 3 or More)- Discounted rates are available for Groups of 3 or More. (Group rates in effect at all times – no deadlines). For more information, contact:
Hank Woji, VP Business Development, iiBIG
- Phone: 512-692-9839 | Email: HankW@iiBIG.com
For information on becoming involved as a member of our executive speaking faculty please complete the online JOIN OUR FACULTY application, or contact the conference organizer:
Don Buford, Founder & CEO, iiBIG
Phone: 212-300-2521
Email: DonB@iibig.com
If you are seeking more visibility for your firm, stand-out in a crowd, and want to benefit from pre-event as well as onsite marketing & branding, a conference sponsorship is the most cost-effective marketing spend you can make. Sponsor companies and organizations that sponsor early, may also be provided with an opportunity to be represented on the executive faculty. For more information, please contact:
Hank Woji, VP Business Development, iiBIG
Phone: 512-692-9839
Email: HankW@iiBIG.com
Co-branding/marketing opportunities are available for publications, digital and print newsletters, professional associations, or other organizations that provide news and information to the education finance/student loan industry. For more information on these opportunities, please contact:
Stacy Lavender, Design & Marketing Consultant, iiBIG
Email: slavender@ballyhoo-central.com
Continuing Education Credits (e.g. CLE, CPE, CME, etc.) may be available for iiBIG conference attendees. Upon request conference attendees will be provided with a “Certificate of Attendance” and a copy of the conference agenda, showing topics, length of sessions, and name(s) and professional affiliation(s) of presenter(s) for each session. Attendees wishing to apply for continuing education credits for attending this conference may submit this documentation to the relevant organization in his/her state when applying for such credits.
International Institute for Business Information & Growth LLC is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org.