LOEWS VANDERBILT HOTEL 2100 West End Ave, Nashville, TN 37203 Phone: (615) 320-1700
LODGING/VENUE INFORMATION: Arrangements – including preferred sleeping room rates for conference attendees – have been made with the Lowes Vanderbilt Hotel, which is located at 2100 West End Ave, Nashville, TN 37203. Sleeping room reservations may be made online at: RESERVE SLEEPING ROOM(S) AT LOEWS VANDERBILT.
It is highly recommended that you make your reservations today, as hotels in the Nashville area tend to sell-out quickly and we cannot guarantee room or rate availability once the room block is sold out. If you will be calling the hotel to make reservations, you may do so by calling the hotel at 615-320-1700. Inorder to receive the preferred room-rate, be sure to tell the hotel that you will be attending iiBIG’s Healthcare M&A conference at the Loews Vanderbilt.